Banister Ford of Marlow Heights

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Dec 15, 2023
Interior dashboard view of a 2024 Ford Escape | Battery service in Suitland, MD | Banister Ford of Marlow Heights

The car battery is a component that’s easy to forget about. When it’s working well, you never even notice it. Over time, of course, and like any other car part, batteries wear out, though, so here are a few signs you need a new car battery for your Ford dealership.

You Notice Unusual Power Fluctuations

Unlike the more obvious signs, like slow cranking, unusual power fluctuations can be subtler. If you notice that your vehicle’s electrical systems seem to perform inconsistently, such as the radio volume fluctuating or electric windows moving more slowly than usual, it could be a sign that your battery is struggling to maintain a consistent voltage.

There Are Some Odd Smells

A damaged or overcharging battery can sometimes emit a pungent, sulfuric smell like rotten eggs. If you notice this odor, pop the hood and see if you can detect it near your Ford’s battery. It’s a sign that the battery is leaking acid, which is not only harmful to your vehicle but also poses safety risks.

There Are Changes in the Battery Fluid Level

Some car batteries have a part of the casing that’s translucent enough to check the fluid level. If the fluid level is below the lead plates inside, it’s time to test the battery and charging system. A lot of batteries don’t allow you to check the fluid levels like this, though, so be sure to take the battery to your Ford dealer if you’re having issues and suspect a problem.

The Battery Is Getting Old

While this isn’t a sign per se, understanding the typical lifespan of a car battery can help you anticipate when a replacement might be necessary and start budgeting accordingly. You can usually count on three to five years. If you take lots of short hops and expose your car to extreme weather, count on a shorter lifespan.

The Engine Starts Only When Jumped

If your Ford’s engine starts only after a jump, and this becomes a recurring theme, the battery is failing. This constant jumpstarting is not a sustainable solution. If you’ve tried charging your battery by driving it around, but it takes longer than usual or doesn’t hold the charge, this indicates a problem. It’s worth testing both the battery and the charging system to pinpoint the issue.

Regular battery maintenance and timely replacement are key to ensuring the longevity and reliability of your Ford. Whether you need maintenance or ​you’re starting to notice issues, come see us at Banister Ford of Marlow Heights for professional help with all things Ford.

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