Banister Ford of Marlow Heights

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Dec 29, 2023
Profile view of a blue 2024 Ford Escape parked in front of a cabin in a wooded area. | Tire service in Suitland, MD | Banister Ford of Marlow Heights

Tire problems will inevitably develop over time as your tires are subject to constant wear and tear as you drive, and they’re also affected by heat, cold, mud, and water. As your Ford dealer, we’d like you to know a few of the signs that you need to visit us for new tires.

Sidewall Cracks

The sidewall is the part of a tire that’s perpendicular to the road surface. This section of a tire doesn’t have steel or polymer reinforcement like the tread, and it’s made from softer rubber to provide more flexibility. Rubber will degrade over time, especially since it is subject to water, mud, and sunlight. The ice and snow of a Maryland winter can also cause damage to the rubber.

Older tires lose much of their flexibility, and the sidewalls can develop cracks. As you drive, your tires heat up and this can cause the cracks to widen and deepen. Deeper cracks can lead to a puncture or a blowout. If you spot cracks in your sidewalls, visit us and our expert technicians will advise you on their potential future life. We can also replace one or more of your tires if necessary.

Overinflated Tires

Many drivers worry about underinflated tires, but overinflated tires also create problems. When you’re driving, tire contact with the surface generates friction. This friction heats the air in the air in the tires, increasing the pressure inside them and causing them to expand slightly. If your tires have too much air, the tire rubber is stretched thinner than it should be.

The additional air in the tires makes them more prone to a blowout, and this is exceptionally dangerous if you’re driving at speed on the highway. The stretched rubber also means they suffer additional friction damage when you are driving. Our technicians will examine your tires and correct the inflation.

Visible Wear Indicators

Tread wear indicator bars are built into your tires. They appear as thin lines that run perpendicular to the tread. When your tires are new, they’re barely visible. As the tires wear down, these bars become more noticeable. They’re designed as a warning that your tires are wearing down. The more visible the indicator bars, the more worn your tires are.

You can test the depth of your tread at home using a Lincoln penny. Put the penny upside down into the deepest part of the tire tread. If you can see the top of Lincoln’s head, your tread is less than 2/32″ thick. A tread this low makes driving dangerous. We’ll examine your tires and replace them if necessary.

If your tires look worn, visit our service department today at Banister Ford of Marlow, and we’ll check them for you.

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